IFES programs, experts and research are regularly featured in the media. We value the opportunity to highlight the importance of democracy assistance and further our mission to build resilient democracies that deliver for all. Latin America & the Caribbean: ANSA Latina reported on an anti-corruption event and quoted IFES' Katie Ellena, who was one of the speakers. Albania: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance reported on the first BRIDGE workshop taking place in Albania. Brazil: Tribunal Superior Electoral, Gazeta Brasil and Aqui Acontece reported on Anthony Banbury’s meeting with Minister Edson Fachin, in preparation for IFES’ monitoring of the Brazilian 2022 Elections. Aqui Acontece also reported on IFES’ role in the IX National Meeting of Electoral Judicial Schools. Burkina Faso: lefaso.net reported on IFES initiation of the BRIDGE training workshop. Canada: The Star Phoenix reported on Elections Saskatchewan and IFES meeting to discuss barriers to voting for Indigenous communities. Gambia: All Africa reported on the closing of the 'Gambia Governance Reform Activity,' coordinated by the International Republican Institution and IFES. Haiti: U.S. Department of State reported on State Department officials’ meeting with Haitian government officials hosted by the Government of Suriname, to discuss sustainable democratic practices and economic solutions. IFES was mentioned under the topic of ‘elections assistance.’ Mali: Afribone discussed the objectives of a weeklong workshop held by the International Institute for Democracy and IDEA International, under the Project for Reforms and Elections in Mali. Mexico: Central Electoral reported on an expert discussion that took place as part of the Regional Forum for the Americas, which was moderated by IFES. New Zealand: ForeignAffairs.co.nz reported Rob Portman’s attendance at the IFES Democracy Dinner, along with other award recipients. Nigeria: Punch Nigeria reported on IFES partnership with the Lagos State Independent Electoral Commission in organizing a voter education workshop to target electoral apathy. Pakistan: UrduPoint reported on the Provincial Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Election Commission’s organization of the “Women NIC and Voter Registration” workshop, in partnership with IFES. Papua New Guinea: The National reported on IFES’ youth voter festival in light of the upcoming 2022 General Election. Loop PNG reported on USAID’s commitment to supporting IFES’ accessibility workshops. Venezuela: Digital Vote discussed IFES Europe’s conclusions on the role of technology in anti-corruption efforts, reported in a “Democratic Resilience in Europe” debate. United States: USAID reported on Administrator Power’s meeting with leaders of democracy and anti-corruption organizations, including IFES. Visit Our Newsroom for More |