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“Democracy is not one size fits all and it looks different around the world. Because it is so varied and because there is no universally agreed upon definition, it can sometimes seem intangible. Sharing stories of how people around the world engage with democracy, participate in democracy, and exercise democracy can help us understand it more clearly. 

The stories in this month’s IFES Voice help us see what democracy is and why it matters. They show us that democracy does matter to real people living real lives, lives often very different from our own. Democracy stories help us put a face to the concept of democracy. They make it something we can relate tosomething we can touch; something we can feel. Most of all, these stories give us hope. Hope to carry on with the often difficult and sometimes demoralizing work that we do, and they give us reason to keep reaching for the tangible evidence that democracy does matter.”  

Tanyel Taysi headshot

Tanyel Taysi
Country Director, Bangladesh


WATCH: Two women students from the University of Dhaka talk about their differences in self-expression and the choice to wear—or not wear—a traditional niqab in SAVE: Students Against Violence Everywhere  

WATCH: In Bangladesh, democracy means more to young people than just voting. See how IFES’s Democracy: From Theory to Practice civic education course at the University of Dhaka is reshaping democratic ideas for students.  


“Prior to this, many things were beyond my knowledge. The program has been a transformative journey; where once shyness held me back.”
-Gmar, Medenine Governorate 
photo of Gmar from video

Through the devoted field work of IFES’s Women Ambassador Program in Tunisia, IFES coordinators reached Gmar, a 62-year-old woman living in rural south-eastern Tunisia. After connecting with one of IFES’s women ambassadors, Gmar was inspired to travel to council meetings and participate in local governance in her region. Gaining self-confidence and expanding her knowledge of politics, Gmar says she “found joy in this newfound awareness.” Since her experience with IFES, Gmar can proudly claim, “I am ready to assert my rights and address matters pertinent to me.”  

LEARN MORE about Gmar’s journey and the IFES’s Women Ambassador Civic Education Program here and explore our IFES Impact YouTube playlist for more stories.



American Democracy in Action! IFES’s 2024 U.S. Election Program begins on Sunday, November 3rd, before Election Day, when our global partners will travel to Washington, D.C. to observe the American Presidential election as it unfolds in real time. The four-day conference event will feature a series of expert panels, tours of polling stations in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, and will culminate with a live watch party as results roll on Election night.  

Join Us! The 2024 U.S. Election Program | IFES - The International Foundation for Electoral Systems 


IFES FAQs explain in detail unique electoral processes

Rwanda: 2024 Presidential Election and Chamber of Deputies: July 15

Syria: 2024 Syrian People’s Council: July 15

Venezuela: 2024 Presidential Election: July 28

To keep track of upcoming elections, visit IFES’s electionguide.org.


The Voice is a monthly newsletter from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) that keeps you informed about elections worldwide and how IFES is advancing democracy for a better future. Get this newsletter sent directly to your inbox by subscribing here

To stay up to date with the latest news and publications from IFES, visit ifes.org.


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