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Global Cyber Alliance and IFES Announce Partnership
“International cybersecurity confidence and capacity building are two of the most crucial tools democracies can leverage to thwart malign actors seeking to use cyberspace to disrupt the democratic process.” – Stephen Boyce, IFES Senior Global Election Technology and Cybersecurity Advisor

IFES is proud to announce its new partnership with the Global Cyber Alliance. Together, we are committed to advancing secure elections and making participation safer for everyone.

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Ocean wave
Electoral Rights of Environmentally Displaced Persons
How can key stakeholders plan for climate-related risks to democracy? How can environmentally displaced persons participate safely and equally in political life? A new IFES paper by Vasu Mohan and Hannah Roberts examines these questions and provides recommendations.

Read the Paper
Celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Vibrant and inclusive democracies denounce racism. IFES works to end racial discrimination and advance equal participation in civic and political life. Join IFES and the global #FIGHTracism campaign to foster a global culture of tolerance, equality and anti-discrimination and to stand up against racial prejudice and intolerant attitudes.

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A volunteer cleans the table where the ballots are displayed for France's local elections on March 15, 2020. © AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani
IFES Webinar on Democratic Resilience After One Year of the Pandemic
COVID-19 has changed countless aspects of global society, including electoral processes and how democratic systems have had to adapt. IFES organized a webinar featuring IFES President and CEO Anthony Banbury to reflect on the greatest challenges and lessons learned from its impact on democratic resilience in Europe.

Watch the Webinar
Representatives from Peru's National Office of Electoral Processes conduct voter education in a remote area in 2006. © Carlos Valencia
Peru and Ecuador Elections
This past Sunday, Peruvians went to the polls to elect the next president, two vice presidents, 130 parliamentarians and their five representatives to the Andean Parliament, while Ecuadorians went to the polls for a second-round presidential election.

Learn More About Peru's Elections
Learn More About Ecuador's Elections
A Ukrainian voter casts a ballot during the 2020 elections.
Updated Recommendations for the Safe Conduct of Elections Amid COVID-19
The IFES briefing paper Safeguarding Health and Elections explores how elections can be held safely during the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health crises. In March, IFES published updated recommendations.

Read the Recommendations
Polling station officials empty a ballot box.
New Symptoms, Old Disease: How COVID-19 Has Aggravated Long-Standing Challenges of Election Administration
IFES addresses challenges common across election management bodies compounded by COVID-19.

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Fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes and rising sea levels displace more and more people each year. How can key stakeholders plan for climate-related risks to democracy? How can environmentally displaced persons participate safely and equally in political life?
If we can't end corruption in elections, how can we end it anywhere? Check out our new guidebook on #electionsinvestigations @TonyBanbury @crvickery @IFES1987 @KatieRoseEllena
Members of IFES partner the Association of Youth Organizations #Nepal #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequity because gender equality is a human right. @AyonNepal @IFESAsiaPacific #IWD2021 #InternationalWomensDay
Part of the the New Tech Inclusive Democracy Exhibit
Leveraging New Technologies to Make Civic and Electoral Information Accessible to All Tunisians
“I have never voted before and the virtual reality simulation explained all the details of how to vote. It really encouraged me to vote!” – Ayoub, 18-year-old visitor to IFES’ New Tech Inclusive Democracy Exhibit

To ensure that civic education is inclusive and accessible to all Tunisians, in particular young people and persons with disabilities, IFES developed in cooperation with Tunisian election commission the New Tech Inclusive Democracy Exhibit to teach visitors about democracy and elections. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IFES also complemented the physical exhibit with an online platform and mobile application.

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A voter examines the candidate list during Kyrgyzstan's 2011 elections.
Bulgaria, Maldives and Kyrgyzstan Elections
Ahead of Bulgaria’s April 4 parliamentary elections, the Maldives’ April 10 Local Council elections and Kyrgyzstan’s April 11 local elections and constitutional referendum, IFES published FAQs – or Frequently Asked Questions.

Read the Bulgaria FAQs
Read the Maldives FAQs
Read the Kyrgyzstan FAQs
Crumpled up euros
IFES Webinar on Abuse of State Resources
The abuse of state resources by politicians to unduly increase their positions and undermine their political opponents is a persistent problem across Europe and has been magnified during the pandemic. Left unchecked, such activities can entrench incumbent advantage, impact election results or otherwise shift the balance of power. Join IFES and experts from the region on April 28 to discuss “Abuse of State Resources: Risks and Solutions.”

RSVP for the Webinar
Laying the Groundwork for Electoral Justice in Ethiopia
Election disputes are a natural outgrowth of the electoral process. Mechanisms to properly and fairly consider those disputes is vital to electoral integrity. Ahead of elections in Ethiopia this June, IFES conducted a nationwide training for 1,079 judges on election dispute resolution.

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Screenshot of ElectionJudgments.org
New ElectionJudgments.org Videos
ElectionJudgments.org is a first-of-its-kind global database of election judgments from around the world, developed by IFES and the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening under the Global Elections and Political Transitions mechanism. Watch a special message from USAID Malawi Mission Director Dr. Catie Lott, a virtual walkthrough of the tool and the launch event A Battle for a Soul of a Nation: Judges as Election Protectors or Kingmakers?

Watch the Videos
Screenshot from the Engaged Citizen course video
Engaged Citizen: A New Interactive Course for Armenian University Students
The Engaged Citizen university course is a new civic education activity implemented by IFES with support from the United States Agency for International Development. Available at five Armenian universities, the course covers civic education themes adapted and contextualized to the country's history, experiences and realities.

Watch the Course Video
Members of Women's Active Voices Everywhere (WAVE) organized a public discussion and rally to end violence against women in elections in Bandarban, Bangladesh.
Assessment of Online Violence Against Politically and Civically Engaged Women in Bangladesh
IFES has identified several urgent recommendations to mitigate online violence against women public figures in Bangladesh, which also contribute to global research on this important issue.

Read the Recommendations
IFES Elects New Chair, Welcomes New Board Members
IFES is pleased to announce the election of Thomas “Tad” Devine as Chair of its Board of Directors. Ambassador J. Kenneth Blackwell, the previous Chair of the Board, was elected as Co-Chair. The Board also voted to approve two new members: Fred Humphries, Vice President of U.S. Government Affairs for Microsoft Corporation, and Charles “Chuck” Dolan, Senior Strategist at kglobal.

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Work with IFES
IFES is hiring an advocacy and government affairs specialist to support a dynamic global team with advocacy, congressional relations and policy and legislative analysis. We are recruiting for a systems engineer who will be responsible for all aspects of the internal information technology infrastructure and associated services. We are also recruiting for a regional director to implement IFES programs in sub-Saharan Africa and a senior elections advisor to design and implement programs in Haiti.

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IFES in the Global Media
IFES programs, experts and research are regularly featured in the media. We value the opportunity to highlight the importance of democracy assistance and further our mission to build democracies that deliver for all.

Global: The U.S. Congressional Research Service updated their fact sheet on leaders and elections in Latin America and the Caribbean, which cites IFES’ ElectionGuide. A United Nations press release about the third day of the Commission on the Status of Women noted IFES’ participation. Suomen Uutiset reported that a Finnish politician cited Anthony Banbury’s Devex op-ed, “Elections and COVID-19 – what we learned from Ebola,” to criticize a decision to postpone municipal elections. The U.S. Department of State released their 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; the “Persons with Disabilities” section of Appendix C cited IFES. Ms. Magazine published an article from Women’s Action for New Directions about their recent #WomenAdvancePeace Twitter chat and featured two of IFES’ tweets. A Center for Strategic and International Studies brief on the Biden administration and Sustainable Development Goal 16, focused on peace, justice, and strong institutions, cited IFES’ anti-corruption recommendations.

Armenia: The European Platform for Democratic Elections shared a March 25 event on “Armenia – Does the early election endanger the electoral reform?” featuring IFES’ Jerome Leyraud.

Bangladesh: A Prothom Alo op-ed cited an IFES report, Issues and Priorities for Bangladesh: The 2000 IFES National Survey.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Actualite wrote about a recent IFES event on the representation of women and people with disabilities in the electoral process and quoted IFES’ Adèle Ravida.

Dominican Republic: Hoy reported that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) would receive support from IFES. Radar 24 reported on IFES’ recent meeting with the JCE.

Ethiopia: The Reporter quoted remarks by IFES’ Solomon Girma at a training session on election reporting.

Guinea: Guinea Time reported on an event with the prime minister about preventing and resolving electoral conflicts and quoted a remark from IFES’ Mountaga Sylla.

Honduras: Criterio included IFES in the list of organizations observing the recent primary elections.

India: The Election Commission of India published a press release about its International Virtual Election Visitors Programme 2021 and noted IFES’ participation. The Millennium Post reported on an election telecast and noted IFES’ participation.

Indonesia: Kompas republished an op-ed about surveys conducted by IFES and other organizations ahead of Indonesia’s 1999 general elections.

Libya: 218 TV noted the participation of IFES’ Halima Elhaj in a meeting with the election management body. 218 TV and the Libya News Agency reported on March 24 and March 26 on judicial trainings supported by IFES. The Libya Observer and Middle Gate reported on a training on the media’s role in elections and cited IFES’ support.

Mexico: A Voto Digital blog post on electronic voting in the June elections cited IFES’ support.

Nigeria: Punch noted IFES’ support of a recent workshop. A Daily Trust op-ed cited findings from an IFES public opinion survey.

Pakistan: The News extensively cited a 2015 IFES fact sheet on electronic voting machines.

Sri Lanka: The Daily Mirror quoted remarks by IFES’ Lasanthi Daskon at an event on increasing women’s participation in governance.

Tunisia: The Mideastwire Blog posted about the upcoming Tunis Exchange and noted the participation of IFES’ Nicolas Kaczorowski on June 13.

Vanuatu: Sista’s March newsletter highlighted a journalist training supported by IFES.

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Follow the Global Impact of Covid-19 on Elections
Elections around the world have been impacted by COVID-19. IFES continues to track the latest information on election postponements, adjusted election dates and risk-mitigating strategies adopted during elections.
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Editing:IFES Voice Special Edition #15 Editing:IFES Voice Special Edition #15